"Mantis Hat" Mounting Bracket for Kordbot

Photo-Jul-20-8-53-45-AM.jpgI like to call this a "Mantis Hat", because that's what it is.  It's a way to put something on your TipTop Audio Mantis's head. I've made these for different pieces of gear (Korg SQ-1, Akai Tom Cat and Rhythm Wolf), and have run out of space on top of my Mantis at this point!  Oh well, looks like I'll need to get another one!If you're unfamiliar with the Kordbot...Get your wallet ready.  Isla Instruments' 2-man operation created a standalone piece of hardware that basically plays whatever chords or arpeggios you can key up, with loads of options and next to no skill required.  It works with everything (USB, MIDI DIN, even Bluetooth - I've used to run everything from a Commodore 64 to a SH-01a), and in the rare case it doesn't work, the creators are insanely helpful and supportive.  They're all made by hand by one guy in a garage in Florida, so there can be a bit of a wait to get yours in-hand, but as of this post they're pretty well caught up on backorders.  Check out the Kordbot here, and if you pick one up tell them Bendmonger Instruments sent you!Anyway - the goal is simple.  Give me as much space as possible on top of the shelf I use for in-use gear.  Part of this is shifting lighter-weight gear up, and the Kordbot couldn't work more perfectly on top of my Mantis.SKRENSHAWTI designed it in Tinkercad, just like everything else I do.  I based the layout on the Mantis Hat for my Akai Tom Cat (so it mounts to the case with a 20mm M3 screw) and made a few tweaks. I wanted to put a little bit of a tilt on it for the sake of playability, and I thought the curve on the front looked nice.  Finding a way to hold this so that it was sturdy enough to play was a little tough.  I eventually ended up making a groove the exact size of the Kordbot's lower lip so that it slides into the bracket from the side.  Super secure now!Kordbot Mount BackAnyway, there isn't much more to say about this build. It works great if you need a way to get that Kordbot into a rad spot on top of your case, and it's easy to print. If you want one (or a set of 3, really) and don't have access to a printer, comment or contact me in some way and I'll print a custom set up for you on the cheap.  If you DO have a printer of your own, here's a link to my STLs.


Mantis Hat for Korg SQ-1


Swingin' Keyparty